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Scholarships Given by CFWA

Anders Scholarship Fund

Given to TCHS senior – $1,000

2 Awards given each year

Selected by staff at TCHS

Counselor contact – Suzanne Wheat,


Andre B. Robertson Memorial Scholarship

Given to TCHS senior athlete – $1,000

Selected by staff at Tuscaloosa County High School

Scholarship is named for former athlete at TCHS

Counselor Contact – Suzanne Wheat,


Ellis-Greene Scholarship Fund

Given to City Schools senior – $1,000

Each of 3 schools submits one name and
CFWA selects winner

Scholarship is named for mother of Donna Winn

Counselor contacts – 





Elois Zeanah Endowed Scholarship

Open to state wide applications – Student must be minimum of sophomore in college

Given in Spring of each year – up to $2,500
by Tusc County Republican Women Assoc

Application online submitted to CFWA


Golson-Hewitt Bright Future Scholarship

Available to Senior in Tusc County or City Schools

See your senior counselor for application


McAbee Construction Scholarship

Given by application process through Shelton State Community College

Pat Faucett Endowed Scholarship

Given to TCHS senior – must attend UA

Up to $6,000 per year renewable for up to 4 years

Staff at TCHS does initial screening –

Counselor contact – Suzanne Wheat,


Ryan Rainey Memorial Scholarship

Given to Hale County senior

$1,000 – Given to medical field as 1st priority

Counselor contact – Sheri Harper,  


James and Elois Zeanah Opportunity Scholarship

Given to senior from Pickens County

Not yet offered


Poe and Central Alabama Scholarship

Given to Holt senior – $1,000

Selected by staff at Holt High School

Counselor Contact – Sarah Hall,


Kinire Endowed Scholarship

Open to statewide application with priority given to Coosa County senior

Counselor contact – Misty Wade,>

Amount – TBA; Currently $5,000 per semester.

Given one year at a time with opportunity to renew up to 8 semesters with 2.0 average.


Sue Wilson Ironman Scholarship

Given to Holt senior – Amount TBA

Selected by staff at Holt High School

Counselor Contact – Sarah Hall,


Joseph W. Perkins, Jr. Scholarship

Given to Holt senior – Amount TBA

Selected by staff at Holt High School

Counselor Contact – Sarah Hall,

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